Author Guidelines

For writers wishing to contribute to Australasian Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (AJPP)

The Australasian Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is currently published by the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association of Australasia. Manuscripts and comments should be sent to:

The Editor, Australasian Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

It is worthwhile, if you wish to do so, to contact the editor before submission to see whether this would be suit the aims of the journal. But not necessary.


Manuscripts must be original. Submissions should be made via the email address, or and are subject to initial editor screening before being sent out for blind peer review.

The journal operates a double-blind system of peer review. All necessary steps should be taken to ensure the anonymity of this process but the authors and reviewers.

The paper must not include any details that might identify the authors. Author names and affiliations should be omitted and the country should not be identified unless it is unavoidable in the context. If you need to refer to yourself by name within your manuscript (for example, if citing a letter you have received), do not use your own name, use ‘Dear X’; if referring to an institution where you work, do not name it but refer to ‘the Y institute’ or equivalent. Please provide ten key words for your submission.

A separate attachment should contain the Author(s) name, contact address, phone number, and affiliations. The author (s) must provide a signed statement that this the author(s) original work, any conflict of interest, or funding. If there are multiple authors for the paper, this information should be provided for each person but a key author to whom correspondence is directed should be nominated.

The manuscript should be typed and double-spaced. Manuscripts should be between 4000 and 8000 words in length, including the references and an abstract of between 150 –200 words.

We do not republish chapters taken directly from a thesis. Such material should be reworked in accordance with the journal’s format. It will be submitted for blind peer review.

Some authors may present a journal publication as part of their thesis in which case due permissions and acknowledgements need to be sought and made. Should a published journal article be submitted as part of a thesis, it should be excluded from the online publication of the thesis and readers directed to the journal.

We do not accept articles that have been published in other journals, nor those that are the subject of multiple submissions.


These are a necessary part of the submission and should be as concise and informative as possible. The abstract is sent to prospective reviewers, who will decide whether or not to review based on that information, so it needs to be representative of the argument of the paper and its intellectual or clinical base.
The abstract also introduces readers to the content and argument of the paper and may be published online for information.

The abstract should be between 150 and 200 words in length, indicating the argument of the paper including conclusions and/or questions that the paper raises. Clinical material should be mentioned briefly. The abstract is not used to explain the provenance of the article, eg based on a thesis chapter, or where the article may have been presented as a lecture. This information should be footnoted on page 1. During the submission process this information needs to be anonymized.


References should be double-spaced, and placed in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript after any Notes, Acknowledgements, etc. Only works cited in the text should appear in the references; please do not include a general bibliography.

In-text references should be shown as follows: (Keogh 2012 or (Keogh 2012, pp. 126-7). All direct quotations should have a page reference, using minimum numbering as in the example given. The list of references should be supplied in one of the main versions of the APA ( American Psychological Association) style, as in the following examples:

Sole-authored book: Gay, P. (1988) Freud: A Life for Our Time. New York: Norton.

Co-authored book: Laplanche, J. & Pontalis, J.-B. (1973) The Language of Psycho-Analysis.London: Hogarth.

Chapter in a single author’s collection:Winnicott, D.W. (1954) Withdrawal and Regression.In D.W. Winnicott, Through Paediatrics to Psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books, 1975, pp. 255-61.

Chapter in edited collection: Morgan, Mary. (2019) Complex and creative: the field of couple interpretation.In Timothy Keogh ad Elizabeth Palacios(eds.), Interpretation in couple and family psychoanalysis: cross cultural perspectives. Oxford and New York: Routledge.

Journal article: Moore, Michael (2020) “Should I stay or should I go?” Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy, 38 (1) 50-57.

If Doi is assigned:

Herbst-Damn, KL., and Kulik, J.A.(2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24,225-229. Doi: 10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225Online references:Stevens, A.L. (2002) What one calls ‘untriggered psychosis’. Available at: (accessed 28 May 2015).

Shamay-Tsoory, S.G., Ehrenberg-Kirschenbaum, D. & Bauminger-Zviely, N. (2014) There is no joy like malicious joy: Schadenfreude in young children. PLOS ONE Published Online First 2 July 2014. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100233

Responses: If you wish to submit a response to an article published in AJPP, please email it to It does not need to include an abstract or keywords but it should include an author biography. This should be no longer than 150 words.

Author Privacy

By submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication, your name, email address, and affiliation, and other contact details the publication might require, will be used for the regular operations of the publication. The publication and the publisher recognise the importance of protecting the personal information collected from users in the operation of these services, and have practices in place to ensure that steps are taken to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of the personal data collected and processed.

Referencing your own work: The AJPP operates a system of complete blinding the assessment of manuscripts. So it is essential that authors take the necessary steps to ensure they are not identified by reviewers. The editorial committee recognizes the subjective nature of clinical writing and the use of the first-person narrative style. To this end, references to your own work should take the following form in the text:

(Author 2011)


(Author and Colleague(s) 2011).

If you wish to make mention of your own work as part of a debate (e.g. ‘In previous work, I argued’) the form should be: ‘In previous work I argued (Author 2011) that…..’. Please do not cite your to work (or to co-authored work) in the references at the end of the article in the initial submission and evaluation process.. Instead use the form outlined above.

Patient Privacy

Conflict exists between the privacy of patients and the need to provide lucid and transparent clinical material when writing up cases for publication. The British Journal of Psychotherapy provides a useful framework for the management of clinical material. Glen Gabbard’s ‘Disguise or consent: problems and recommendations concerning the publication and presentation of clinical material’ (2000), International Journal of Psychoanalysis 81:1071-86 is an important resource which prospective authors are encouraged to consult. There is no perfect solution to the dilemmas that arise when considering the use of clinical material in a publication. Authors may disguise material; obtain consent from patients (preferably written); use composite material from a number of comparable cases; or report of colleagues’ or supervisee’s clinical cases, (disguised). Parental consent is necessary for a child case; or the author might wait until a considerable time has elapsed, before using such material. Another way of using such material may be the use of vignettes tied to a particular theme. None is entirely satisfactory need to be . All options need to be carefully considered before proceeding . It is assumed that in cases where written or verbal consent to use material is obtained from a patient to use such clinical material that the patient is over the age of eighteen years and is competent to make such a decision.

Which method(s) you use will depend on the kind of evidence or illustration that your paper needs in order to clarify your points. Authors are asked to consider the best alternative in the particular circumstances, but above all, you should consider the clinical situation of the particular patient(s), and choose carefully which method(s) you use to preserve confidentiality in each of the cases reported. It is important not to overdo those details which risk recognition of the patient. However, enough detail must be given for readers to assess for themselves the claim you are making in your paper.

Papers are accepted for submission and for review on the grounds that authors have considered these delicate matters carefully. You should follow requirements that your professional organisation has in relation to obtaining consent from the patient, and identify these in the covering email with your submission.

We request that when the patient’s consent is asked and given, you indicate this to the Editor in your covering email with your submission, and also indicate this in footnote in your manuscript, so that peer reviewers will be aware. your manuscript should make explicit that all identifying details have been disguised.


If the manuscript contains extracts, including illustrations, from other copyright works (including material from on-line or intranet sources) it is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission from the owners of the publishing rights to reproduce such extracts. This permission should be supplied as a separate, signed statement, when submitting your article. It is the author’s responsibility to cover any fees required by the owners of the copyright.

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