Australasian Journal Of Psychotherapy
NO.1 & 2 - 2008


This combined volume includes both 2008 issues of the journal. It will be our first to go online, where it will be readily available internationally. The cover art for this issue has been drawn by Sydney psychoanalyst Brian Hunt. The image is an illustration from his biographical novel, Anois is Aris, a synopsis of which follows this editorial. Brian’s story sets the tone for this issue, the papers of which follow the themes of abandonment, displacement and alienation.

I offer thanks again to my committee, especially to Don Meadows, our immediate past editor, who is retiring from the position of honorary secretary after more than ten years of continuous service to the journal. I also welcome Elisabeth Hanscombe, who has joined us to share the role of book review editing with Denis O’Loughlin, as well as Judi Blumenfeldt-Hoadley and Margot Solomon, who provide increased New Zealand representation on our peer review and editorial advisory panel. I continue to be grateful for Kerrie Collings-Silvey’s assistance, serving in the dual roles of Honorary Treasurer and Subscription’s Secretary. Tim Mang has acted as designer for this issue, and Rhianne Muir has assisted with copy editing.

Thanks is also due to Adelaide psychoanalyst Rick Curnow for allowing us to reprint his obituary for Sam Stein, who is now sadly missed in South Australia where he taught, supervised and practiced during the latter years of his life, and also in Queensland. Sam was made a life member of the Queensland Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association in recognition of his enduring contributions as visiting lecturer and supervisor. I personally benefited from hearing Sam speak and enjoyed his company over dinner on a number of his visits. I hope that something of my wish to emulate his gentle and patient approach will come to fruition over time.


Andrew Leggett
P.O. Box 5389
West End, Qld. 4101