Member Associations


The Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Western Australia (APPWA) is a multi-disciplinary body of psychotherapists with advanced training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. APPWA seeks to promote and support the highest possible standards of clinical practice, training, and ethics in psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Western Australia and, to this end, provides continuing education and supervision for practicing psychotherapists, a forum for clinical discussion, and training in the practice of psychotherapy.


Postal address

PO Box 965 Subiaco, WA, 6904


The CPPAA is a professional body of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists qualified to work with a range of developmental, behavioural and emotional problems.

At the CPPAA, we aim to maintain and foster the highest standards of clinical practice of its members and of the training of Child Psychotherapists.  We do this by providing our members with ongoing professional development and a forum for clinical discussion.  The CPPAA is based in Victoria but members may work and live across all of Australia. 

Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy is an internationally recognised and specialised approach in therapeutic work with infants, children, adolescents and their parents, families and carers. It has a long history and body of knowledge which is based on research and experience from clinical practice.  At the CPPAA, we keep our members up-to-date as new research and literature evolves.


Postal address
PO Box 1096, Hawksburn VIC 3142


The NSW Institute of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is an association whose members are trained and qualified psychoanalytic psychotherapists who work according to psychodynamic principles. The NSWIPP was established in 1976 by a group of professionals who were determined to promote the practice and teaching of dynamic psychotherapy at a time when it was fast disappearing as a subject for study in University courses in NSW.


Postal address
PO Box 4050 Winmalee NSW 2777


NZIPP is an organisation whose members are extensively trained and qualified in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. We are based in Auckland, New Zealand. It was originally established in 1990 and then in 1999, the Institute became a member of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association of Australasia. (PPAA)



Queensland Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association is a multidisciplinary body of mental health professionals with advanced training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.  The QPPA supports the highest standards of clinical practice and ethics in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Queensland, and provides training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, supervision, continuing education, a forum for clinical discussion and education for the broader mental health community.



The Victorian Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists is a not-for-profit incorporated organisation and a registered charity. VAPP members are all qualified psychoanalytic psychotherapists with advanced training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. VAPP supports and promotes the ethical practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and provides education and training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.


Postal address
18 Erin Street, Richmond VIC 3121

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